Getting started

BASIC is a very simple computer language, and within an hour you can write your first small program.

At the bottom of the screen are 5 sections:

A Simple BASIC program

10 PRINT "Hello, World!"
20 END 
A BASIC program is a series of lines. Every line start with a number, and the numbers must be in increasing order.
In above example line 10 has a command PRINT. It will make the program print Hello world! on the screen. END is a command to stop the program.

The screen output will be:
Hello, World!


10 PRINT "Hello, World!" // I wants to write something on the screen at the cursor
15 REM this is a comment
20 END 
A comment makes it easier to understand the code, when the program is running, these comments have no function. There are 2 ways to add a comment: The colors used for different elements if the BASIC program, such as the blue PRINT are only to make it easier to read. The color has no function.
